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Prof. Santillana presented the ongoing performance of an Early Warning System to anticipate sharp increases of Influenza-like Illnesses in the US to the InsightNet community (a network of professionals that work closely with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on National Outbreak Analytics ) on December 4th.
Prof. Santillana presented the ongoing performance of an Early Warning System to anticipate sharp increases of Influenza-like Illnesses in the US to the InsightNet community (a network of professionals that work closely with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on National Outbreak Analytics ) on December 4th.
Prof. Santillana discusses the use of "Machine Learning in Public Health" at the 2024 Annual CSTE-CDC Infectious Disease Forecasting & Modeling Workshop from November 19-21, 2024, in Atlanta, GA.
Prof. Santillana discusses the use of "Machine Learning in Public Health" at the 2024 Annual CSTE-CDC Infectious Disease Forecasting & Modeling Workshop from November 19-21, 2024, in Atlanta, GA.
Binod Pant gave a lightning talk on "Modeling the Impact of Human Behavior on SARS-CoV-2 Transmission Dynamics and Analyzing Survey-Collected Behavioral Data"in the Network Annual Meeting MIDAS 2024 in Maryland from November 17 to 19.
Binod Pant gave a lightning talk on "Modeling the Impact of Human Behavior on SARS-CoV-2 Transmission Dynamics and Analyzing Survey-Collected Behavioral Data"in the Network Annual Meeting MIDAS 2024 in Maryland from November 17 to 19.
Professor Santillana participates as a Distinguished Colloquium Series Speaker at the Department of Mathematics at the College of Arts and Sciences at Oklahoma State University on October 18th.
Professor Santillana participates as a Distinguished Colloquium Series Speaker at the Department of Mathematics at the College of Arts and Sciences at Oklahoma State University on October 18th.
Prof. Santillana visits South Dakota Mines, an esteemed engineering, science, and technology university, on October 2nd to give a seminar.
Prof. Santillana visits South Dakota Mines, an esteemed engineering, science, and technology university, on October 2nd to give a seminar.
Prof. Santillana is chosen to be included in the Atlas of Inspiring Hispanic and Latino Scientists at the Fred Hutch Cancer Center. This grassroots effort was developed to showcase Hispanic and Latino scientific personnel's expertise, talents, and diversity. Congratulations, Prof. Santillana!
Prof. Santillana is chosen to be included in the Atlas of Inspiring Hispanic and Latino Scientists at the Fred Hutch Cancer Center. This grassroots effort was developed to showcase Hispanic and Latino scientific personnel's expertise, talents, and diversity. Congratulations, Prof. Santillana!
Professors Santillana, Vespignani, and Chinazzi participate in the AI In Action event at Northeastern University in Boston, on September 19th. The event focuses on the topic 'AI in Public Health: From Mechanistic and Surrogate Models to Data-Driven Models'.
Professors Santillana, Vespignani, and Chinazzi participate in the AI In Action event at Northeastern University in Boston, on September 19th. The event focuses on the topic 'AI in Public Health: From Mechanistic and Surrogate Models to Data-Driven Models'.
Professor Santillana participates as a speaker at the esteemed ISI Foundation in the seminar titled "Using Artificial Intelligence and Novel Internet-based Data Sources to Anticipate Disease Outbreaks: Lessons Learned during the COVID-19 Pandemic" on August 27, 2024, in Torino, Italy.
Professor Santillana participates as a speaker at the esteemed ISI Foundation in the seminar titled "Using Artificial Intelligence and Novel Internet-based Data Sources to Anticipate Disease Outbreaks: Lessons Learned during the COVID-19 Pandemic" on August 27, 2024, in Torino, Italy.
Ang Barrett, our co-op student, will be attending the GROW 2024 conference at Columbia University from September 27th to 29th. Congratulations, Ang!
Ang Barrett, our co-op student, will be attending the GROW 2024 conference at Columbia University from September 27th to 29th. Congratulations, Ang!
Professor Santillana delivered a Keynote at the 2024 ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining an event held on August 26, in Barcelona, Spain.
Professor Santillana delivered a Keynote at the 2024 ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining an event held on August 26, in Barcelona, Spain.
Professor Santillana gave a seminar at the Pathogen Genomic Epidemiology (PGE) at Imperial College London on Friday, August 23rd. His talk will focus on Monitoring Disease Outbreaks Using AI, Multiple Mathematical Approaches, and Novel Internet-Based Data Sources: Lessons Learned During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Professor Santillana gave a seminar at the Pathogen Genomic Epidemiology (PGE) at Imperial College London on Friday, August 23rd. His talk will focus on Monitoring Disease Outbreaks Using AI, Multiple Mathematical Approaches, and Novel Internet-Based Data Sources: Lessons Learned During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Professor Santillana and members of the MIGHTE Lab participate in the Summer Institute in Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases (SISMID) at Emory University from July 15-31, 2024. SISMID is designed to introduce infectious disease researchers to modern methods of statistical analysis and mathematical modeling.
Professor Santillana and members of the MIGHTE Lab participate in the Summer Institute in Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases (SISMID) at Emory University from July 15-31, 2024. SISMID is designed to introduce infectious disease researchers to modern methods of statistical analysis and mathematical modeling.
Professor Santillana participates as a moderator at Northeastern University's Summit on "Catalyzing Interdisciplinary Innovation in Public Health Technology" on June 18, 2024.
Professor Santillana participates as a moderator at Northeastern University's Summit on "Catalyzing Interdisciplinary Innovation in Public Health Technology" on June 18, 2024.
On May 16th, George Dewey, a new member of our MIGHTE lab, successfully defended his PhD thesis at UCLA, his previous institution. Congratulations, George, for this remarkable achievement!
On May 16th, George Dewey, a new member of our MIGHTE lab, successfully defended his PhD thesis at UCLA, his previous institution. Congratulations, George, for this remarkable achievement!
The Beatson Foundation funding a joint initiative between MIGHTE and the Joslin Diabetes Center (Harvard Medical School) to "Leverage Artificial Intelligence Modeling to Predict Retinopathy Development and Progression". This reflects the dedication and hard work of our team members, especially Xiyu Yang, and our collaborators Paolo S. Silva (Harvard) and Leo A. Celi (MIT)
The Beatson Foundation funding a joint initiative between MIGHTE and the Joslin Diabetes Center (Harvard Medical School) to "Leverage Artificial Intelligence Modeling to Predict Retinopathy Development and Progression". This reflects the dedication and hard work of our team members, especially Xiyu Yang, and our collaborators Paolo S. Silva (Harvard) and Leo A. Celi (MIT)
Xiyu Yang and Daniel Gonzalez have been admitted to the Network Science PhD program at Northeastern University and will be joining the MIGHTE Lab. Congratulations, Xiyu and Daniel!
Xiyu Yang and Daniel Gonzalez have been admitted to the Network Science PhD program at Northeastern University and will be joining the MIGHTE Lab. Congratulations, Xiyu and Daniel!
Professor Santillana leads a course about ‘Utilizing machine learning for epidemic outbreak forecasting’ on May 5th-10th at the 6th Meeting of Mexican Mathematicians in Oaxaca, Mexico. Course map
Professor Santillana leads a course about ‘Utilizing machine learning for epidemic outbreak forecasting’ on May 5th-10th at the 6th Meeting of Mexican Mathematicians in Oaxaca, Mexico. Course map
On April 9th, Nicole Kogan and Binod Pant, members of our MIGHTE lab, successfully defended their PhD theses on their research into infectious disease tracking and the development of mathematical models to measure the spread of COVID-19. Congratulations, Nicole and Binod!
On April 9th, Nicole Kogan and Binod Pant, members of our MIGHTE lab, successfully defended their PhD theses on their research into infectious disease tracking and the development of mathematical models to measure the spread of COVID-19. Congratulations, Nicole and Binod!
Professor Santillana participates in the Insight Net Annual Meeting held at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill from April 15th to 18th. Insight Net aims to provide better forecasting data and analytics to public health decision-makers, enabling them to make informed decisions to protect their communities and families during public health emergencies.
Professor Santillana participates in the Insight Net Annual Meeting held at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill from April 15th to 18th. Insight Net aims to provide better forecasting data and analytics to public health decision-makers, enabling them to make informed decisions to protect their communities and families during public health emergencies.
Professor Santillana and members of the MIGHTE team participated in the AI In Action event held at Northeastern University in Boston on April 4th. Throughout the event, the team will showcase their research posters and take part in the session 'Beating the Next Epidemic with AI'.
Professor Santillana and members of the MIGHTE team participated in the AI In Action event held at Northeastern University in Boston on April 4th. Throughout the event, the team will showcase their research posters and take part in the session 'Beating the Next Epidemic with AI'.
Team members Nicole Kogan and Mauricio Santillana present their research and perspectives at the Workshop to Increase Diversity in Mathematical Modeling and Public Health on March 5. The event was organized by the CCDD, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and the MIDAS Network Coordination Center.
Professor Santillana and members of the MIGHTE team participate in the inaugural in-person Epistorm general meeting held in Boston on February 28-29. Throughout the event, the team showcased their research posters and exchanged diverse perspectives on infectious diseases.
Professor Santillana has joined the Steering Committee of the MIDAS Network 2024. Models of Infectious Disease Agent Study (MIDAS) is a global network comprising scientists and practitioners who develop and employ computational, statistical, and mathematical models to enhance the understanding of infectious disease dynamics.
Professors Santillana and Vespignani (Northeastern University) joined the Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics "Insight Net" inaugural event in Washington, D.C., from November 6th to 8th. Led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and through partnerships and collaboration, the network will use data science and outbreak analytic approaches to get a clearer picture of the present, and to project forward, forecasting where outbreaks are likely to occur days and weeks into the future.
Professors Santillana and Vespignani (Northeastern University) joined the Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics "Insight Net" inaugural event in Washington, D.C., from November 6th to 8th. Led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and through partnerships and collaboration, the network will use data science and outbreak analytic approaches to get a clearer picture of the present, and to project forward, forecasting where outbreaks are likely to occur days and weeks into the future.
Are you passionate about infectious disease modeling/forecasting? Do you want to make a difference in the field of public health? Our team is hiring two postdoctoral fellows to join our dynamic team: For more information, please send an email to: Gemma Llano <[email protected]> or submit your application here
Are you passionate about infectious disease modeling/forecasting? Do you want to make a difference in the field of public health? Our team is hiring two postdoctoral fellows to join our dynamic team: For more information, please send an email to: Gemma Llano <[email protected]> or submit your application here
Team member Xiyu Yang gets their paper, titled 'De-identification and Obfuscation of Gender Attributes From Retinal Scans,' accepted in the Fairness of AI in Medical Imaging workshop at MICCAI 2023. Congratulations!
Team member Xiyu Yang gets their paper, titled 'De-identification and Obfuscation of Gender Attributes From Retinal Scans,' accepted in the Fairness of AI in Medical Imaging workshop at MICCAI 2023. Congratulations!
Professor Santillana participated in the International Colloquium on Mathematical Modeling in Epidemiology, at the Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on August 14th - 17th, 2023. (Slides)
Professor Santillana participated in the International Colloquium on Mathematical Modeling in Epidemiology, at the Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on August 14th - 17th, 2023. (Slides)
Nicole Kogan was accepted to the ETH/EPFL Digital Epidemiology Summer School in Grindelwald, Switzerland on September 25-29, 2023. Organized by Marcel Salathé (Digital Epidemiology Lab at EPFL). This competitive week-long program aims to bring together an international community of students to collaboratively develop computationally driven methods that address existing epidemiological challenges.
MIGHTE team at Walden Pond State Reservation.
MIGHTE team at Walden Pond State Reservation.
Professor Santillana co-taught the module: Statistics and Modeling with Novel Data Streams at SISMID 2023, with Alessandro Vespignani, Jessica Davis, and Fred Lu.
Professor Santillana co-taught the module: Statistics and Modeling with Novel Data Streams at SISMID 2023, with Alessandro Vespignani, Jessica Davis, and Fred Lu.
Professor Santillana. MIGHTE Weekly team meeting.
Professor Santillana. MIGHTE Weekly team meeting.
Leonardo Cazares chosen as a recipient of the Summer 2023 Scholarship "Beca de iniciacion a la investigacion" from UNAM (Mexico) to conduct research with our lab. Congratulations, Leonardo!
Jinho Park chosen as a recipient of the Summer 2023 Harvard College Research Program award to conduct research with our lab. Congratulations, Jinho!
Jinho Park chosen as a recipient of the Summer 2023 Harvard College Research Program award to conduct research with our lab. Congratulations, Jinho!
Professor Santillana testifies before the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense in Washington D.C. about the US preparedness for a potential novel pandemic
Professor Santillana testifies before the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense in Washington D.C. about the US preparedness for a potential novel pandemic
Professor Santillana participated in the MfPH Workshop on Early Warning Systems for Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on January 23-25. This hybrid event brought together prominent researchers from around the world to share the latest research outcomes, promote collaboration, expose young researchers to leading experts, and develop a long-term collaboration platform in this field of research.
Professor Santillana participated in the MfPH Workshop on Early Warning Systems for Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on January 23-25. This hybrid event brought together prominent researchers from around the world to share the latest research outcomes, promote collaboration, expose young researchers to leading experts, and develop a long-term collaboration platform in this field of research.
Team member Iris Lang chosen as a recipient of the Fall 2022 Harvard College Research Program award to continue conducting research on Monkeypox with our lab. Congratulations, Iris!
Team member Iris Lang chosen as a recipient of the Fall 2022 Harvard College Research Program award to continue conducting research on Monkeypox with our lab. Congratulations, Iris!
Matthew Baum, Roy Perlis, Mauricio Santillana present their perspectives on "Trust in Science during the Vaccine Phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S." at the Harvard Kennedy School's Vaccine Hesitancy: Between Miracle and Mistrust Workshop.
Matthew Baum, Roy Perlis, Mauricio Santillana present their perspectives on "Trust in Science during the Vaccine Phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S." at the Harvard Kennedy School's Vaccine Hesitancy: Between Miracle and Mistrust Workshop.
Team members Nicole Kogan, Lucas M. Stolerman, and Mauricios Santillana, present their research and perspectives at the NIH MIDAS meeting in Bethesda, MD
Team members Nicole Kogan, Lucas M. Stolerman, and Mauricios Santillana, present their research and perspectives at the NIH MIDAS meeting in Bethesda, MD
Team member Nicole Kogan chosen as a recipient of NIH T32 Training Grant in Epidemiology of Infectious Disease to support her Ph.D. studies in the Interdisciplinary Concentration in Infectious Disease Epidemiology Congratulations at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. Congratulations, Nicole!
Team member Nicole Kogan chosen as a recipient of NIH T32 Training Grant in Epidemiology of Infectious Disease to support her Ph.D. studies in the Interdisciplinary Concentration in Infectious Disease Epidemiology Congratulations at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. Congratulations, Nicole!
Team member Iris Lang chosen as one of the 2022 Summer Program for Undergraduates in Data Science (SPUDS) Participants. SPUDS is a prestigious program sponsored by the Harvard Data Science Initiative. Congratulations, Iris! Read more...
Team member Iris Lang chosen as one of the 2022 Summer Program for Undergraduates in Data Science (SPUDS) Participants. SPUDS is a prestigious program sponsored by the Harvard Data Science Initiative. Congratulations, Iris! Read more...
Team leader Mauricio Santillana featured in NIH's and Scolastic Pathways "The Vaccine Science Issue", alongside with Vice President Kamala Harris
Team leader Mauricio Santillana featured in NIH's and Scolastic Pathways "The Vaccine Science Issue", alongside with Vice President Kamala Harris
Team member Lucas Stolerman will join the Mathematics department at Oklahoma State University in January 2022. He will continue collaborating with our team. Congratulations, Lucas! Lucas updated website here
Team member Lucas Stolerman will join the Mathematics department at Oklahoma State University in January 2022. He will continue collaborating with our team. Congratulations, Lucas! Lucas updated website here
Team member Skyler Wu chosen as one of the Inaugural recipients of the Summer Program for Undergraduates in Data Science (SPUDS) sponsored by the Harvard Data Science Initiative. Congratulations, Skyler! Read more...
Team member Skyler Wu chosen as one of the Inaugural recipients of the Summer Program for Undergraduates in Data Science (SPUDS) sponsored by the Harvard Data Science Initiative. Congratulations, Skyler! Read more...